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How does mind relate to inner being? 



Mind vs inner being we love that question:

Mind is planning the future and regretting the past, or glorifying the past and scared of the future. Inner being is joy passion and stays only in the now.



Inner being wants you in peace here and now, and it calls your mind when is out of that oath and getting into trouble then gets bigger and darker as time goes on. 


Inner peace is health but mind is about reaching a goal at any cost


Your mind wants to reach the goal of security and pretensions that others planted in your mind while you were a child in this life.


Your inner being wants you free and healthy. Free of those expectations and ready to create something new that your mind doesn’t even imagine now because it has never been done.


The journey we talk about starts by you living out that goal and letting yourself be free so that you can follow your bliss.


Step by step


Little by little


Your inner being is going to lead you easily and smoothly, but you have to follow it and trust it.


Practicing meditation and being surrounded by like minded people is a very strong way to find your inner being.


Our senses are so used to seeing only what they are designed to. 

If you are surrounded by people deeply asleep pursuing the ideal goal that society-dictates, your mind can easily trick you into more of that and the law of attraction will continue pouring more of the same.


But if you are surrounded by awakened people or on the way there, then their light will guide you.


Like minded means people with inner awareness.

People who already following their bliss.


Another suggestion is keeping tight communication with Siil people in physicality. 





I would love to know what is my higher calling?



Calling implies someone or something is directing you to itself. The biggest part of you is calling you to to duel in a higher vibration which is based in joy, passion, and purpose.


However, being physical lays all the responsibility on your lap about how you achieve a higher vibration while you are alive.


Because the essence of who you are is pure freedom, pure love, and pure intention.


For you a calling means being in service to others. Nothing makes you more joyful, more passionate or more purposeful than when you wave in that realm.


Looking for your selfish gain is the challenge because false premises are telling you that you have to take care of yourself first and others second. And there is some truth in that but not when it’s an excuse to steal only for your gains. 

The universe always tales care of you when you are in service  What service means has to match with your beliefs. Service to the universe means that we support others to create a new way of living with inclusion. Wholeness with the planet and all importantly connecting people who are like minded.




I know i haven’t asked anything, and I guess I still don’t have a question... I’m just like... missing something. I don’t know how to explain it. I guess I’m looking for answers, if there are any?



This is a real question. We love it! 

It is the door that opens a new space of conscience and awareness.

A feeling of void is a tool that all humans have to tell you that you are not having purpose. 


All the things you are spending your day and being so busy with, are only someone else’s creation. 

The feeling of void is a wake up call to take the control back from all the programs your mind learned in your childhood that make you believe you want all those things you are involved with today.


However, there is a purpose beyond mind that is not to believe what someone imposed on you, like; being a mother, having a business, getting a good job, being successful and a winner, having a partner, meeting the love of your life, etc.


Those desires will never fill the spiritual void.


We are here to remind you, there was a purpose you set in the universe before you were born in your physical body.


To unveil that purpose you must learn to know yourself - who you really are.


Beyond your body and mind, the mysterious energy that keeps you alive, that is you.

We call it in this way for humans to understand it.

YOU ARE FREEDOM, pure freedom

YOU ARE INTENTION, pure as well 

YOU ARE LOVE, the love that creates universes, the order!


How can you leave behind mind and body ????


M E D I T A T I O N !!


Meditation will make it possible for who you really are to take control of your mind and body. So then mind and body are the slaves and your spirit is the master, the creator, Source!


Now the void is present, your mind is in control and the spirit is dormant.

Let’s awaken today the have been called, you woke up! 

Keep it that way.

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